Data relating to the seller, or other privileged data thereof.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\nIntellectual property rights (in the following IPR) \u2013 all material rights such as know-how, copyright and copyright rights, database rights, design rights, model rights, patents, trademarks and Records of domain names for any of the above.<\/p>\n
Review \u2013 A written assessment by the holder or the beneficiary of a product or service, assessment based on personal experience and ability to carry out qualitative reviews and to tell whether the product or service complies with or not Specifications mentioned by the manufacturer.<\/p>\n
Rating \u2013 Way of expressing the satisfaction of a user\/customer\/buyer vis-\u00e0-vis a product. The Rating is expressed in the form of stars, each product can receive a score from a star, to five stars. This degree of satisfaction will always be associated with the written review of the user\/customer\/purchaser on a product or service.<\/p>\n
Comment \u2013 Assessment or observation with a critical purpose, on the edge of a Review or another comment.<\/p>\n
Question \u2013 The salutation to other users\/customers\/buyers in order to obtain information about the products or services on the respective page.<\/p>\n
Answer \u2013 written information that is transmitted to the user\/customer\/purchaser who has asked a question on the Site on the page of a particular product. The answer is an explanation provided by a user\/customer\/purchaser to another user\/customer\/purchaser in a discussion.<\/p>\n
Document \u2013 these terms and conditions.<\/p>\n
Newsletter \u2013 A regular, electronic and e-mail information (e-mail, SMS) on the goods and services and\/or promotions carried out by the seller during a certain period, without any commitment from the seller with Reference to the information contained therein.<\/p>\n
Transaction \u2013 Collection or repayment of an amount resulting from the sale of a good and\/or service by Archicraft, to the purchaser, by using the services of the card processor approved by the seller, irrespective of the method of delivery.<\/p>\n
Specifications \u2013 all specifications and\/or descriptions of goods and services as specified in the order.<\/p>\n
2. GENERAL<\/p>\n
Placing an order to S.C. Archicraft S.R.L. is your agreement with the terms and conditions in this Document.<\/p>\n
The information provided to S.C. Archicraft S.R.L. is used only for the purpose for which they were introduced (making orders), according to the laws in force. S.C. Archicraft S.R.L. does not provide your email address to third parties, does not encourage spam or make public the data provided by its customers without their explicit consent. Any user can delete the provided email address from the database.<\/p>\n
All prices displayed on the site are expressed in LEI and include VAT (19%). Due to the high volume of information and the conditions required by the vendors, the features and availability of the products presented in this site may change without notice.<\/p>\n
Discount, discounts, and promotions are not cumulative. Always keep the discount with the highest value.<\/p>\n
In the case of goods that are undergoing modifications at the request of the purchaser (e.g. atypical dimensions of mattresses: width, length, height, etc.), the return of goods is not accepted.<\/p>\n
The price, payment method and payment term are specified in the order. \u00a0S.C. Archicraft S.R.L. will issue to the buyer an invoice for the goods and services delivered, the buyer’s obligation is to provide all the information necessary for issuing the invoice under the legislation in force.<\/p>\n
We reserve the right to cancel incomplete or made orders without basic information (for example: buyer name, contact phone, email address, delivery address, billing address, payment method).<\/p>\n
If a product is listed at an incorrect price or with incorrect information due to typographical errors or errors in pricing or product information received from suppliers, we reserve the right to refuse or cancel any order Placed for products that have an error. We will have the right to refuse or cancel any order even if it has been paid in advance. In this case the money will be returned as soon as possible.<\/p>\n
We reserve the right to change discounts, discounts and promotions without prior notice.<\/p>\n
Products marketed through are new, marketed in their own packaging or resealed (in this case it is very clearly mentioned why the product has been resealed) and at the time of delivery are accompanied by the invoice Tax and Guarantee certificate.<\/p>\n
S.C. Archicraft S.R.L. reserves the right to refuse collaboration with customers who exhibit inappropriate behavior and language (aggressive, licensed, etc.) or have in the history of the declined shipments orders.<\/p>\n
S.C. Archicraft S.R.L. reserves the right to modify both the content and structure of the site at any time and without any need for notice.<\/p>\n
This website uses its own and third-party cookies to provide visitors with a much better browsing experience and services tailored to everyone’s needs and interests. After visiting the website, a cookie that belongs to us is stored in your browser.<\/p>\n
While navigating on, advertising cookies will be placed in your computer so that we can understand what you are interested in. Our advertising partner display, AdRoll, then allows us to present you advertising of retargeting on other sites based on your interaction. The previous The techniques used by our partners do not collect personal information such as your name, email address, postal address or phone number. You can visit this page to opt out of AdRoll and targeted advertising to partners.<\/p>\n
Products marketed by can only be delivered based on an online order. The online order does not require reservation of products. Online orders will be honored in the chronological order in which they were recorded by the system. An order containing a product with status: In stock, it cannot be honored if a different order was registered on the same product before it chronologically and subsequently confirmed, thus the stock depling.<\/p>\n
Access for an order is allowed to any customer\/buyer.<\/p>\n
For justified reasons Archicraft reserves the right to restrict the client\/purchaser’s access to an order and\/or some of the accepted payment modalities, if it considers that on the basis of its conduct or Customer\/Purchaser’s activity on the Site, its actions could in any way prejudice the Archicraft. In any of these cases, the customer\/purchaser may address the Customer service Department of the Archicraft company in order to be informed of the reasons which led to the application of the abovementioned measures.<\/p>\n
Communication with the seller can be achieved by direct interaction with it or through the addresses referred to in the “Contact” section of the Site. The seller is free to manage the information received without having to provide justification for it.<\/p>\n
Archicraft may publish on the Site information about goods and\/or services and\/or promotions practised by it or by any other third party with which Archicraft has concluded partnership contracts, within a certain period of time and within the stock limit Available.<\/p>\n
All charges relating to goods and\/or services presented on the Site are expressed in LEI (RON) and include VAT<\/p>\n
In the case of online payments the seller is not\/cannot be held responsible for any other additional cost incurred by the buyer, including but not limited to currency conversion fees applied by the bank issuing its card, in the case The currency of its issuance differs from the LEI. The responsibility for this action carries only the purchaser.<\/p>\n
All information used to describe the goods and\/or services available on the Site (static\/dynamic images\/Multimedia presentations\/etc.) is not a contractual obligation on the part of the seller, which is used exclusively with Presentation title.<\/p>\n
After 3 (three) days after the purchase of a good or service, the purchaser will be asked to register a Review related to the purchased asset or service. The request will be sent to the email address registered by the purchaser in the account. In this way, the purchaser contributes to informing other possible users\/customers\/buyers on the Site and is actively involved in the development of new services and in detail as More complete characteristics of the goods.<\/p>\n
By launching an electronic order, telephone, chat or performed directly in physical stores on, the buyer agrees with the form of communication (telephone, chat or e-mail) by which S.C. Archicraft S.R.L. carries out its Operations.<\/p>\n
The order consists of:<\/p>\n